Monday, 12 July 2010

The big London move!

Ok so the course has now finished and we are both now officially unemployed art directors and copywriters. The plan of action now is to move ourselves down London!

We have also started work on our 6th book now and this book will have totally new campaigns with the exception of one campaign which we have decided to pursue further.

Once we have finished all these campaigns we will get them up on the blog for you guys to have a look at.

Ben and Dave

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Hello again!

We have been mega busy over the past few weeks so haven't had much time to post many things but just to let you all know that we will be getting work on here as soon as we make all the changes we need to! Will also be trying to get a lot more posts on here as well.

One thing to tell you about is the fact that we are off to London on Saturday on placement for 2 weeks with AMV BBDO so really looking forward to that! Will try and keep you informed on here!

Ben & Dave

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Newcastle Crits and next London visit

Right been far too long since my last post, so this week we have two crits lined up at two great Newcastle agencies;

Drummond central - Thursday at 3pm

Different - Friday at 3pm

We should get some great feedback on our work, really looking forward to it!

Got loads of work to be cracking on with like. Were going to go down London for a few days whilst the class is in New York so hopefully we'll be able to line up a few crits and get more feedback on the book!

Monday, 8 March 2010


London was class!

Got some great feedback from Ben and Johnny at McCann's and the stuff we learnt at BBH was really helpful!

Basically we need to re work some of the strategies on the ads to have them include somewhat more of a a benefit that will really drive to the consumer to the product!

Also came up with a few more little ideas to add to campaigns and new ones as well. Hopefully we will be able to get back down in a few weeks time and get round a load of agencies and get more feedback!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

London time again!

Off to London again tomorrow with Thompson and Jamie, extremely excited to hear the feedback on our work! So far we have crits lined up at,

McCann Erickson
Mother - Potentially!
BBH - Working on some campaigns there in the afternoon!

Still a bit of graft to take care of before we go like but it should be a wicked trip! Like i mentioned before cant wait to hear some feedback on our work and hopefully will get lots of ideas on how to change the work to make it better!

Ben and Dave

Thursday, 25 February 2010

New Work

This week we have come up with a few ideas for new products.

We are going to be working on:

- Lucozade (or any other re-hydration drink)

- Macleans Toothpaste

- Tetley Teabags

Like the other work, once we have it all sorted we will put the work onto the blog to have a look at

Ben and Dave

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Brilliant Viral

An amazing viral done by one of the best advertising agencies, in terms of thinking big, in the world today, Droga5. The media coverage that would have covered this viral would have been huge! There would of been an uproar as well, but whats a big idea without annoying a few people eh?


Monday, 22 February 2010

Update on the work #1 - Whats going on

I just wanted to inform you guys of what exactly is going on with our work since we have gotten back from all of our book crits in London. Well in a nutshell its safe to say that we have a lot on our plate at the moment but its all exciting ideas! Like i said in my last post we will be getting the work onto the blog hopefully sometime this week!

So ill get right too and let you know whats happening with some campaigns! Saying what we have and what we plan to do, to improve them.

NHS Smoking - The Smoking 'Assisted Suicide' campaign was generally well received down London. The main factor about the ad that the creatives liked was the fact it was so simple yet so effective! I think all the creatives said as well (which we both agreed) the idea could be massive! We just need to push it into different media now! We have ideas for Facebook stunts and changing some certain layouts on the press ads.

Drink Aware - The Drink Aware campaign had a mixed response from the teams down London. Overall, again the idea i very simple and easy to understand. We have had ideas how to push the idea into TV and are really looking to push it to the extreme!

Wilkinson Sword - The Wilkinson Sword campaign had, again, a mixed response form the London agencies. Overall most agencies liked the general idea but said it could be pushed even further. We have had ideas on how to change the press ads so it appeals more to the target audience and we both think this idea could (and will be ) massive!

British Heart Foundation - Again another Government ad which most agencies didn't mind surprisingly. However we both said that if 1 were to come out it would probably be this one! Anyways generally the idea was good but the execution needs a bit of work. So with that in mind, we have come up with a iPhone app, and have changed the T.V ad completely, hopefully now the potential of the idea will come out!

Innocent Smoothies - Again this was a idea that got good feedback down in London for its simplicity and the potential it has. One agency said that we didn't know how big this idea could be which is always nice to hear! We have this ambient idea which will focus on getting a town to perhaps eat that little bit healthier with the help of Innocent Smoothies

Littlewoods - This idea had a varied response from the agencies, most of them liked the general idea that you can expect more from this kind of company. However, most of the response we got was to re brand the idea from Littlewoods to something like Amazon. We have also come up with the idea of showing more of the products that Amazon sell and putting them in surreal situations.

Cadbury's - Out of all the campaigns, the cadbury's one was probably the one that most creatives didn't quite like. We think it could be down the difficulty of understanding the idea a it is not as simple as the other ideas in our book. We may take this campaign out and replace it with an altogether new campaign for a different product.

Phew! rant over but that pretty much brings us up to date with the work so far! We have ideas for new campaigns and products we want to advertise. Once we clear them with each other, we'll post them onto here and let you guys know whats happeneing with them!

Ben and Dave

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Our Work

After our London trip recently, we got some absolutely amazing feedback on our work and we were able to come up with some new ideas for existing campaigns and ideas for brand new campaigns altogether. We are cracking on with all these new campaigns and will be getting the work on here as soon as we have drawn them all up (to Dave's standard!) and are happy with them!

Ben and Dave

Friday, 12 February 2010

Coldplay - Strawberry Swing Music Video

Just saw this video for the Coldplay song Strawberry Swing. Such a good song, but more the point that the video in it is absolutely brilliant! I dont think i have ever seen such creativity applied in a music video. If you look closely you'll see that the background never changes (the pavement and the drain is the clue there) only the drawings do and Chris Martin crawls across the ground. In my opinion i actually think that this is one of the best music videos i have ever seen. A nice touch as well is the fact that the song is amazing!

Let me know what you think


London Trip

Had a great time in London!

Book crits went well and we got a great range of feedback and ideas to work on, its amazing how just going to one place can make you think of so many ideas for campaigns!

But were hoping to get down London again in a few weeks and hopefully that will be just as good if not better than this time!

Once we get cracking on with the additions to our campaigns we will get them on here asap for you guys to have a look at!

Ben and Dave

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Blaydon Races

Motivation is sometime a hard thing to come by these days, but whilst browsing Youtube i found this video from Tyne and Wear derby, if the players aint hyped up by this then i dont have a clue what they use to motivate themselves!


Monday, 25 January 2010


Hey and welcome to our blog! Were hoping to keep you guys updated on events thats going on for us and how we are finding being a young creative team in a Advertising world! We are hoping to put our work on here for you guys to have a look at as well and hopefully we can get some constructive feedback! So we hope you guys like it!